Logrotate dingo.log

This service is used to configure and manage the log rotation of the DINGO-Stack log. The log-rotation will prevent the file system from filling up of log files.

The log-rotation can be installed on the "Services" tab within the DINGO-Manager. The log-rotation can also be installed from a SSH terminal with this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -s http://apps.control2net.com/apt/install-logrotate-dingo-stack)"


To configure the log-rotation; select the log-rotation service and click the "Main config. file..." button. See screenshot.

The log-rotation runs by default on a daily basis. The log-rotation of the DINGO-Stack log is also set to be a maximum of 10 Megabytes by default. To ensure that the size-constraint is checked more than just daily, the log-rotation of the DINGO-Stack log is also executed hourly via the Crontab service.


When the log-rotation is executed, it also reads the configuration file, so any changes made to the configuration file, will take effect at that point. Visit the official page for more information.

If the logs should be uploaded to some remote location, then remember to activate that option in the configuration file and then configure the Upload logrotated file service.

Crontab configuration

The frequency of the log-rotation is defined by the crontab service. Add this entry to the cron-table (crontab), to do the log-rotation hourly, at 35 minutes past the hour:

35 * * * * root logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/dingo-stack


Link to the official page: https://linux.die.net/man/8/logrotate